Christmas Card #4 Silent Night pen/ink

Silent Night Ended us doing a different look and media yesterday due to time and place, yet another doctor's waiting room. Hopefully the last for procedures for this year. Anyway I always like the look of these graphic pieces, although I am not all that good with them. It requires such precision, so I think that requires lots of practice. I did this on a watercolor card, they really need to learn how to fold correctly. And boy, this paper really loves to suck up the inks. There are a lot of layers on this to get it dark enough. If you have a chance, please either make/send a card to: A Recovering American Soldier c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital 8901 Wisconsin Ave Bethesda, MD 20889 I don't usually mention these types of things, but this really strikes a cord, these folks could really use the thoughts/prayers and something to make them smile, especially during this holiday season. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.