Getting this whittled down to finally finish.  Still have a left bottom section that needs to be fine tuned, more highlights, need to do some research on really how bright do they need to be, on the left side mountains and then need to add in the scrubby looking bushes that dot the plateaus.  Then voila, it will be done.  Am going to set it aside to see if I need to adjust more shadows in the mountains, think I do on the last mountain I put in, but might be able to darken it by just doing washes.
Going to be a busy week next week, and want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving in the States.  We get to eat plenty of turkey and stuffing - tough day for us all  :)
Thanks for stopping by and hope you have have a great painting week.


hmuxo said…
An AMAZING painting, Nelvia. A beautiful scene that makes me want to visit it again!!! I can go to the Canyon everyday and everyday I would see it differently. I love all the colors you put into this piece! Congratulations...!!
renate said…
Hi Nelvia:) Wow wow! Such an amazing painting. I really love this. You gave it a great depth by the tree on the left. It is so beautiful and deserves a nice place in the house. My big compliments. Have a nice Thanksgiving and have a lot of turkey:) So well done my dear:)xxx
It is a painting of class though very nice hugs Danielle
Nelvia said…
Hi Hilda, glad this looks like what you remember as it is a combinations of photos. But I am with you, ready to go back. We spent almost 2 days, one with and without sun and every time and angle was different.
Nelvia said…
Hey Sweetie, you got sneak previews and will get the final. Held my breath on the tree on the left and think it came out well, shadow and sun spots with air holes. In DC and will get turkey.
Nelvia said…
Thank you Danielle, I am hooked now and thinking about doing a triptych and another go at this canyon. The Colorado river is the prettiest blue so maybe that gets incorporated. As always appreciate your comments.
Rita Vaselli said…
Great GREAT Painting for challenging landscape,dear Nelvia!
The special beauty of this place is very unique in the world!!!
I wish to you and Paul Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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