Wolf Acrylic WIP

Well finally, we have had some rain (been in the doughnut hole with rain all around us, but none for us) so thankful as it has dropped the temperature and we don't have to water today.  Been almost 3 weeks in the mid 90's and with little or no rain and it has taken its toll on the garden and lawn.  We are right at peak for tiger day lillie blooms and they are turning yellow and had much fewer blooms this year due to lack of water.  Looks like at least a couple of days back to normal, high 80's.  So it is PORCH TIME!!! 
Here is my progress on the wolf and as always I see things in this picture I don't see when I am working the piece.  So I see some things to soften and correct.  Yes, I am working this wolf slightly darker than the actual reference photo coloration as I want to do several wolves at night in my next picture "The Call" which is a sequel to "Heeding The Call". 
I wish I could figure out a technique, but appears I am just repeating layers trying to get the coloration and when I try to put the hair work texture in then I lose the tweedy black/white color.  I see a lot more fur texture close up, but it is not reading when I take the picture.  So got to keep trying different brushes I guess.  I know lots of folks love the fan brush but man, I just can't seem to get the hang of it, but will try again.  If anyone has suggestions I have tried a softer filbert, a #1 flat, a soft fan (have a bristle fan I am going to try next).  I am working more dry brush than most anything as I have the dark gray background of the mat board for the starting point. 
Hope everyone is well and having a great weekend.  Thanks much for stopping by.


Jane said…
This is so amazing Nelvia, I think you are being very hard on yourself !
Nancy Goldman said…
Kudos to you for trying this in acrylic. I think that is such a hard medium to control for edges and such. It looks really good so far....

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