In the Flow I

                                                                      In the Flow
Seems like it has been a long time since I posted anything.  Took a little hitaus and saw some super paintings in National Gallery of Art, Portrait and American Art museums.  Really inspiring.  Had fun doing these koi as I love these balls of energy.  I think I am going to try to do them again, but do the fish first and then put the background in and let those colors overlap the fish to see if it gives it a more "water effect" 
Thanks for taking a look and hope you are having a super week.


Rita Vaselli said…
Beautiful artwork ! Shining waters, motion of koi , brilliant colors..very GORGEOUS FLOW!
hmuxo said…
Excellent painting of these koi's Nelvia! I have tried to paint my koi's but I just can't capture the "fish in water" look. Lol. I will try someday again. I love the brilliance in your colors....nice work!
Brilliant! In spite of the great colors in the fish, my eye keeps being drawn to the mass of grey near the upper left corner - it doesn't seem to fit. Well done!
Nelvia said…
Thank you Rita, so glad it reads as flow and movement as that was what I was trying to achieve.
Nelvia said…
Hi Hilda, hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I have thrown many of my Koi pictures away too, They intrigue me but I can't always capture what I see in my mind. Grrr. Not real sure about this one, think Val below has confirmed where my issue is. Thanks for taking a look, much appreciated.
Jane said…
An amazing work Nelvia , lots of movement and energy , great colors...everything is here !
Nelvia said…
Thanks Jane, did. Bit of a rework and will and will keep trying

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