The Homestead Is it Finished?

Well I have been away from this for a few days and did some color changes and tweaks this morning to see if I could give this a bit more punch.  But I think I am pretty much done.  Do  have too much white in the bottom right corner?  What do you guys think with your fresh eyes - is it ready to go?

 I pretty much wanted to send this out this week to beat the Christmas rush and have to figure out how to pack the darn thing now.  I haven't mailed a picture this big.  I do know that John Stobart always put in acid free foam board in the back of the picture so it is protected from anything poking into it from behind.  I have a very tight fitting box that I am going to try but am afraid they will crush the corners - definitely will insure it this time.

Thanks much for stopping by and leaving any c&c's, as always it is so much appreciated.


Helen said…
There are so many aspects of this piece that I love. First of all I love the story it tells. Then I love the distance... the big sky, the mountains way back there, the road winding through, the plains stretched in front of the hills...I love the red dirt and rocks, the yellow flowers and sage colored weeds on the left. And once again, I love the story it tells.
Unknown said…
The jeans need to be a little darker and maybe a few darker green spots in the lower right corner. Otherwise, absolutely beautiful.
D. Blackwell
This is super Nelvia although I think it you are right about too much white in the foreground. To me it looks like the scene has a fine layer of fog or mist especially the corner where your friend is standing. Good luck with the finishing and the shipping.
Nelvia said…
Thanks Helen, you hit on some of the things I wanted to achieve, all that distance and space. I am not sure how far out of Denver this is but appears to be pretty rural.
Nelvia said…
Hi Diane, I see what you mean on the jeans in the photo they are darker, but I wanted to keep them lighter so they read different than the shirt. Also I am glad you see too much white as well, will green it up a bit, maybe more bright yellow green since it is Spring.
Nelvia said…
Hi Val, both you and Diane saw the white so it wasn't my imagination, will fix that. Still have to work the bottom edge and then will varnish and pack.
Nelvia said…
Thank you all for taking a look and confirming what I thought I saw. Jim has seen it almost completed and I hope he will like it more when he sees it in person. Some times it looks better in the picture than in real time, but this one looks better I think in person. The colors are more vivid.
Hey, my cloud practice worked as I am happy with these light clouds.
hmuxo said…
At least we all agree on the light on the right hand first I thought it might be a glare but you can definitely go darker on his pants as well as the greens. Beautiful work On the sky as well!!!!! ❤️

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