Quote Project

For a while now I have been trying to get back into the daily drawing mode (Joan T, you inspired me here!!). I kind of gave up drawing that wasn't connected to something I was painting. Drawing is a good skill to develop as it really helps your overall work. I have also wanted to do something that could give back But I am not a patient person and don't think I'm "volunteer" material since I don't want to be committed or have to do things any more. I have thought a bit about cartooning too, so thought using my artwork, might make people feel good and smile for a few seconds. Well, I think I found a solution that combines both things. Thought I'd start, at least several times a week, doing a sketch with some quote and then post to my Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/Nelvias-Fine-Arts-1394520027483120/ Being selfish, I am glad this gives me the pleasure of reading all the great things people have and do say. Plus I can draw wh...