DAY 30 Curiosity

Curiosity 4"x6" DAY 30 - celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. This wasn't as bad as some of the challenges that really seemed to go on forever. I think I could still go on, but then after having done so many challenges, I already utilize a lot of the benefits every day anyway. But always the good news is that you see so much wonderful work and get connected with new friends. Will take some more time now to go through the pictures and just enjoy the work and creativity. This is another miniature, 4"x6", and had a lot of fun with this little guy. A friend, Julie Hollis, has done some butterflies landing on adult male lion noses, and they are an adorable story. When I saw the pose of this little cub I thought the butterfly would be the perfect addition to tell the story. I also wanted to try to tell the fur story another way without actually doing fur, so instead it is roughed color splotches. I think it still reads as fur. I used t...