30 Day Creative Challenge Collage

Seems that Blogger was having some hiccups and I stopped posting here.  Then guess I got lazy and just didn't check until now if they were back in business.  But in the meanwhile, February has come and gone and ended up being busy working with Figurary and trying to stay on top of my lessons.  Great outlet with lots of wonderful, inspirational artists was posting daily with 30 Day Creative Challenge.  This challenge group was designed to replace Leslie Saeta's as she has moved on to other endeavors close to her heart.


Helen said…
I'm so glad you're back! :)
carol edan said…
Nice portraits! Blogger has a new version. I switched as I rather like it.
Super work Nelvia. I haven't bloged for over a year so I should check out the new version I guess.
Sheila said…
I missed you Nelvia! Congratulations on your AWESOME, wonderful month!! :) It was so interesting to see your figures. Inspiring to watch your progress. Your portraits are stunning. As always. :) I am so glad you took part, and I look forward to seeing you again in September! And here, of course. :) Happy creating my friend. :)
Nelvia said…
Thank you guys, makes me happy someone is looking. Sorry I got lazy and too involved in other social media places. Have to admit as you all know I like to take and this is a perfect vehicle.
Joan Tavolott said…
Glad to see you back here!!! I do follow along on FB, but I would rather comment away from the eyes of the whole world. lol I have been enjoying your portraits in the different styles. Keep them coming!
hmuxo said…
I see you're back my friend!!! I love your last portrait!! It's one of your VERY best.

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