Ok here are my next efforts at Zentangle.  Like the modern feel of these and have a whole more textures I want to try out.  Am sure that it will benefit me down the way to have more strokes in my arsenal.


Rita Vaselli said…
Lovely Zentangle! I wish you relax time, working on them. Big hugs,Rita.
renate said…
Hello Nelvia:) Like Rita said before: I did them too on highschool when listening (or not) to what the teacher told us. My whole agenda was filled whit it. I'm not a Zentangle lover my self but you made a beautiful one!
I took a G-mail account and now everything is a mess. I can't e-mail anymore or read my e-mails. So I have to figure out what to do next... Computers grrrr I will make a new G-mail account within 5 minutes so you know. The adress will be: renatewilbert@gmail.com
Miss you a lot. Big hugsxxx
renate said…
It is: wilbertrenate@gmail.com !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nelvia said…
I do need the relaxation, will try at the doctors to,see if it lowers my blood pressure. Am taking them on the road next week to see what I can come up with.
Nelvia said…
Ok,just sent you an email and sure hope,it comes thru. Between us I must have been the only one paying attention in school and told you I come to,things pretty slow as I am just discovering it now. Duh
Alexander said…
I never paid attention either, but I did not zentangle, just daydreaming along.
btw I never use my google email, though I will have to business wise in the future. but I can say I am very very happy with my yahoo account which works wonderful since years.
sidmar said…
These zens look wonderful and i read somewhere they relaxe the mind though I never tried that. I hope everything is all right with you my friend.

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