Winter's Day

Well have to thank both Sheila and Diane for nominating me to do black and white photos because it got me back to Blogger which has changed since I was last using it.


Helen said…
This is a lovely scene to enjoy on this hot June day!
Sheila said…
Haha, :) Why can't they just leave things alone. I just updated my phone, and now things are wonky and I have to learn it all again. Haha. Oh, this scene looks lovely. I am sitting here, thinking I might need some ice cream to cool down. 97 degrees. Thanks for sharing Nelvia!
carol edan said…
I am also on blogger and so far I staying with what they NOW call LEGACY. Was called CLASSIC.
Love your photo has a nice composition. What theme do you use?
hmuxo said…
Beautiful scene, Nelvia. Yes, blogging has changed so much, right?.... I imagine its because everyone is on facebook since its faster, easier.....however, I like to blog and still do!!

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