Ice Storm Pictures

Well so happy just to be able to check in, as we just have ended our second ice storm event (covering 2 days) in two weeks, this time with snow, in the Deep South.  Come on folks, we border the Gulf of Mexico, so we are supposed to be warmer!!!  Anyway miraculously we didn't lose power, even with one inch of ice build up on power lines and trees, then topped that off with 2-3" of snow.  Sun came out and as of 2:30 this afternoon, most of the snow is melted on the streets and the storm is a distant memory.  People stayed home this event so no one thankfully was stranded on the roads like the thousands who abandoned their cars the last time.
I have been working on a second reference picture of Cherub.  I had submitted and gotten a really tough but fair critique on Cherub 1 from some artists on WetCanvas.  All items mentioned were legitimate corrections.  So rather than do the same picture again (kind of gives me a mental block to redo a picture) I tired my other Cherub shot, but incorporated the things that were mentioned needing improvement.  I don't think I caught the likeness quite as well as the first one, but do believe I:
1) did better on tonal differences from left to right side of face,
2) measured, measured, measured with drop down line, diagonals, grids, etc. and all facial features on same angle lines
3) better hair tones reflecting light on left and not so much on right - but still keeping the left side of his hair reading light blonde, but in shadow
4) better definition between neck and jaw lines
5) Smaller ear and mouth, think more in proportion
6) both eyes in the sockets imbedded into the head and not flat on the face
But I am concerned that the nose is either too long (although I remeasured after completion) or the chin is a bit too short.  Also used just a gray tones paper and didn't take many layers, so ended up overworking the face to try to get my colors right.  Also, do I need more hair on the right side (his left) so that it rounds out the head more?  Also as I will probably redo this on different paper, what are your thoughts of including the grandmother's hand?  I kind of like it as I think it tells a bit about his personality - being in a strange place, a little shy and needing that comfort.  Wasn't sure if it would look odd, just seeing part of an arm and hand in a vinginette.
Next I got another monk done - hey, no problem only 20 more to go (gulp!!)  this one certainly took more time than the others and as I look out seems like I won't be able to get 4 done a week, which was my original thought and goal. Have gotten to the point now where I can pretty much freehand the drawing. 


I loved your first cherub!!! Critiques are great but always paint from your heart.I am so glad to hear that you didn't lose your power.We are used to winter here but for you down south that must have been quite unreal!
Love your paintings and drawings.
Beatriz Abel said…
Nlvia admiro su dedicación y estudio de pinceladas con los monjes, seguramente conseguirá valiosos resultados.
Los niños retratados son encantadores, y los trabajos muy bien resueltos, no debería preocuparse tanto por llegar a la perfección de las imágenes , para eso esta la fotografía y lo suyo es el arte de la acuarela con la que logra trasmitir la ternura de esos rostros
Nelvia said…
Boy you Are right, but seems to be this year's pattern, just cold. But luck was truly with us, with so much ice not sure how trees and lines stood it. Yes I think you must take it with a grain of salt and incorporate what you want - thought I would try, but won't let it discourage me! We Re going to have 60-70 later this week, so a taste of Spring. Crazy, no?
Nelvia said…

Hola Beti, gracias por su aliento y estoy de acuerdo que debe pintar desde tu corazón que es lo que separa una foto de una pintura. Mantén alcanzando y estoy divirtiendo con mi monje. Será interesante comparar el primero al último y ver si hay una diferencia. ¿Esto se traduce bien para ti?
Unknown said…
that is a great photo to art!
Nelvia said…
Thanks Dena for stopping by and the comment. That is such a nice compliment, as we want our pictures not to be photos. Boy, sure appreciate it.

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