Monk First 3

Ink of matboard
Well still absorbing and recovering from the challenge I guess, but I wanted to do something fussy and decided to work on a project that for years I wanted to do but haven't taken the time or patience.  The book, The Technical Pen, has a lot of pictures and exercises to help you gain confidence and learn the basic pen/ink strokes.  There are 30 basic strokes that are part of this project (already seeing lots of other variations when in practice) and so Gary Simons, the author, recommends doing this monk and combining a couple of different strokes in each piece, for a total of 24 monks in all.  Well, when I finish this project I will surely know this monk.  While the outcome does vary by which stroke is used, each one is actually redrawn again emphasizing, adding or omitting some of the design.  I don't know if I will actually be able to complete without an error (I didn't succeed in these three of being perfect), but thanking Sakura for their white gel pen.  Had the bright idea to try different ink colors, and also am going to try to do this on black matboard and use white pen, just to change it up so I don't get too bored.  Will do the black board when I can draw this guy in my sleep because I am not sure how to transfer the detailed design to the black board, light pastel wouldn't be fine enough lines I don't think - hmm, will have to work on that.


hmuxo said…
This pen/ink looks very good....very impressive work, Nelvia! When I zoomed on it , you can see the work you put into it..... I hope to see more of the same....and somehow I missed "mischevious"..... excellent work...
Alexander said…
interesting. and nice results :)
Nelvia said…
Thanks Hilda, still,according to the experts I am going too fast and have far to go for precision, but I enjoy the challenge
Nelvia said…
Kind of a funky looking monk, must have been the beer making one and not the bread making one. :)
Nancy Goldman said…
When I enlarged these, I couldn't believe the amount of work you've put into each one! They look really good. Are you really going to do 24? You are much more dedicated than I would be but you will certainly know this monk after you're done.
Nelvia said…
Hi Nancy, yes I am going to try, must be more masochistic, first the 30 challenge and now this. But wanted to learn these stroke, thinking it is like a sampler quit, can always have them for reference on stroke effects.
Lieve schat als het precies zoals de foto moet kan je beter een foto nemen wees niet zo kritisch op je het is een plaatje geworden mijn compliment lieve groetjes Danielle
Nelvia said…
Hi Danielle, have to keep pushing for doing it right, but settle for the best I can do. One thng with all th lines someone else might miss the errors :). Thanks for th support and kind words.

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