
Well I am trying to get back into painting again after a few days off from the challenge.  Funny, that I thought I needed the rest.  Been doing art thinking and some art studying but not actually painting.

Here is another reference photo from my Washington trip of kids at the train exhibit.  Not real happy with this one (I purposely gave him bigger eyes as I wanted eyes in this portrait to reflect some of his personality), and will probably try him again.  But yes, you do see a horn on his hat (Paul says it was a buffalo hat), and it is really appropriate because this kid was wild beyond belief.  Cute, but had so much energy and was always constantly getting into something, had no fear of anyone, including his Mother.
I did this on gray paper with color pencil and think the next time I am going to try it on mat board and with pastel.  I got a great deal from Hobby Lobby, they take the innards from their custom mat framing and package the middles (where the hole is in the mat) and you can get several sizes from 5"x7" to 12"x16" - anyway I got 35-11"x14" assorted colors for $5.99 ($3.80 with their 40% off coupon).   I can't buy paper that cheap and like the mat because it is already supported and ready to go into the frame.  So I want to do some things on those mats, and if successful I am going to get more before they decide to no longer offer that.


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