
                                                                     Acrylic 3D
Some days you just got to cut loose and go for it.  After all it is St. Patrick's Day and the green beer is flowing and we are Irish!!

This ode to Spring, BugEyed, reminds me of some of the critters I have seen in the garden this week.  The garden is finally open, plenty of digging, pulling, scraping and sweating has been going on.  But at the end of the day I can sit on the porch with a glass of Chardonnay and enjoy watching nature's show which is developing daily and will be spectacular in a couple of weeks.

This guy is on canvas board and is made with acrylics, old screen with glitter glue, washer, bread ties, wood beads and plastic Easter eggs.  I don't have a lot of the 3D paints, but might get myself a couple as they are kind of fun to use.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend.


It is easy to see you had fun with this Nelvia -it is great to let loose sometimes!

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