Sky Study

DPW had a Turner-style sky challenge and I wanted to try to see if I could capture a fluffy clouded sky in acrylics using a fan brush (didn't enter because I wasn't happy with the results).  Back in the 90s when I started watching PBS artists, they loved the fan brush and got fantastic results.  Over the years, me, not so much.  So one of my goals for 2016 is more plein aire projects and clouds are a bitgpart of that.  Will try again now that I have my interactive acrylics and am anxious to see how that does and if there is improvement..  

The pastel sky on the right I did en plein aire in the mountains so I know there really is a lot of color in those white clouds.  The fan brush gave me light strokes, but left a lot of unclean wisps.  Moral of the story I got a lot of work to do on the skies and with the fan brush.  But I know if I keep practicing I will improve and learn to use the darn thing.

Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a super weekend.


Alexander said…
They are fine - :) like all themes you touch. You really display an incredible joy with your painting.
hmuxo said…
I think we all enjoy painting the sky...I guess it's the constant change we love... You did a great job with these... So many beautiful colors we have to choose from!!!!
You have set yourself a good challenge Nelvia. After reading this I had a look at some of my painted skies and find that I have very few with multi-colored puffy clouds. I remember doing a piece a few years ago with great storm clouds; I tried the fan brush with no success and ended up using bunched up paper towel - it worked great!. Good luck!
Jane said…
I think you did a great work on both paintings , but I specially love all the colours in the second one.
Nancy Goldman said…
These are acrylics? I thought they were pastels and even enlarged, they look like pastels. You referenced the "pastel" one on the right but I'm not sure if you are referring to the colors or it actually is painted in pastels. Anyway, they are both wonderful.

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