Marlboro Man

                                                                    Marlboro Man
This photo captured my attention on several levels.  Wow, isn't this guy a man's man (I almost called it that)  I also wanted to work with lost and found edges, the plaid shirt and the hand.
I decided to give myself a break and go with pastels and just got some new colored Mi-Teintes paper.  But I forgot how patterned the one side is and so I got lots of peek aboos where the color skipped.  It's funny I used to love to send with fingers or tortillons but now I am not as enamored with the blended smooth look - at least not on this paper.
As usually I struggled with the background, but decided to try to incorporate the plaid pattern - not sure if it works.  What do you think?
While this shot by Bobbie Cook at PMP, comes up under cowboy, I wasn't exactly sure so rather than call it something he is not I decided to go with the name Marlboro Man.  He reminds me of the tv ads that Marlboro used to run - back long ago in my youth.  I thought that conveyed both the fact he is smoking and that he is an outdoor kind of man.
To really get into the spirit I started this on my porch, so I was outside, but no bugs!!  But just the sun, wind, fresh air and different light I hope imbued him with that outdoor persona.
Thanks much for taking a look and have a super week.


I like the background and I really love your portrait.
Well done!!
Meredith Adler said…
I'm really impressed with your portrait work!
This is fabulous! Everything about it works even the background that you are not sure about. Wonderful!
hmuxo said…
this is SO good Nelvia! Very impressive..I love all those amazing lines in his well painted. The perfect pose and limited color palette! As you said the background goes beautifully with his plaid shirt!!! All good my friend!
Nancy Goldman said…
Beautiful Nelvia! I love the background.

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