Well, wanted to see if I could do another portrait in the same technique I learned this week.   I have had this reference for a bit and wanted to be sure that I could keep her very soft to try to keep her childlike, and not age her.  This is a layer upon layer technique and takes me at least two days to complete.  You can see the first overall layer in the small picture, eyes have several layers.  I still am not sure that I am taking them far enough.  They photo so poorly, it is actually darker and whiter in person.   I don’t want them to get dirty looking.

Again made use of my new Tombow zero eraser, I really love it as it takes things on Bristol almost back to pure white.   It takes off what the putty can’t move.

I also decided to try to see if I could do bokeh in graphite, just to liven up the background a bit.     I dabbed a little color pencil on her, but the camera couldn't pick it up as it was pretty subtle.  

The developer behind us just came by and took that last bit of trees that overlapped the property line.  They were straddling the property line, one was probably over 100', a pine, and full of pine beetles, not long for this world.   While I hated to lose the trees it is better to get them down now when they have the equipment here and before they build houses.  If any of them either in our or neighbors yard came down they would go completely through the house and into the front street.   That was how big they were.  So, it will be really hot, but better to be hot and sweating then flattened by a pine tree.  

Looks like the weather is going to break, we are now going from highs in the 30-40s to more normal "deep South" temps in the high 50'60s.   Guess who is going to turn the fire on and enjoy sitting on the porch.

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.


Helen said…
She is precious, completely precious.
hmuxo said…
First of all, you totally captured her youth in this portrait, Nelvia!!!!
I know how difficult that could be.... but you aced it.... ALL that “practicing” you did paid off. Congratulations on a beautiful piece!!!!!
As I said on FB - wonderful! Too bad about the trees but better down than on your house.
Sheila said…
She is precious. I think the eyes are right on, and the effect is nice as well. Sweet and lovely :) Better safe, that is for sure :)

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