Sketchbook Practice mixed media figure

Trying to get back into sketchbook practice.  This was an idea that I thought I might want to paint.      I picked up a stencil and wanted to incorporate some more graphic design into the composition.  Since I was going to use the sketchbook thought I would start by using markers.  So a black Sharpie completed the honeycomb sections.   Actually this honeycomb was two tone with a dark red being the honeycomb behind the dress, but when the reds were placed over the top it now looks like it was all black.  

Figured it would be markers all the way, but after I put in the dark color behind the dress I didn't think the dress would show up.     So I had to switch it up and went to acrylics for the figure.  I used some transparent white with the transparent red of scarlet and alizarin crimson.  

Jury is out and I am not sure if I will be making this into an actual painting or not.   Got any thoughts guys?

But it sure was fun to play.  

Thanks much for stopping by and taking a look.


Helen said…
Love the sweep of that dress!
Joan Tavolott said…
I love the elegance of her elongated pose. I like the idea of the honeycomb graphic behind her but I wonder if you should allow the rest of her body to be less transparent so the honeycomb just shows through the sheer fabric of her dress. I see that you were able to do that with her torso. I would say go for it and see what happens.
Sheila said…
I love the pattern, the lines and movement. It's bold, graphic, exciting. But I am a little disturbed by her lack of limbs. LOL. Maybe just a hint more of her lower half. I can see the curve of her legs in my mind. So maybe I am wrong. :)
A fabulous idea Nelvia and I think you should go for a full painting. I like everything about it but agree with Joan and Sheila that she needs solid limbs.
Nelvia said…
I think I pretty much love red in most things. I do like the idea of translucence too.
Nelvia said…
Some times when I use the gesso it kind of fades away. I did have the legs in but the black came back through. So yes, in future would have to white out or not use color behind the core because I use so many translucent colors.
Nelvia said…
Yeah, good call, lower legs faded away, I didn't underpaint them white like I did the core.
Nelvia said…
I definitely am going to try this as a larger painting, even my hubby likes this one

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