Day 13 30 Day Challenge Walter Himalayan Cat

Well this hasn't happened in a while, Friday, the 13th, but no ladders or black cats for us today.....

Instead  we get Walter, I think.  My friend Laurie has two Himalayans (who knew there was such a breed?) and I think Walter has the darker face and weighs in at a heft 18 pounds.  They are both really big balls of rich luxurious fur, so just perfect for this challenge.  I did this again on the card stock, it is kind of an off white.  I used mostly pan pastels, just a couple of pencils for the really detailed parts, for this and boy do they just work great.  I never thought I would like to try to manipulate the applicators, but I don't really find it any harder than using a brush and there is so much less dust.  Actually the applicators can be turned so many ways on side, flats, ends that between turning them and the picture you have pretty easy access.

Since I am cheap instead of spending $10 for trays to keep the individual pans in, I got cookie sheets from the dollar store and then used a binder clip to secure the saran wrap over the top.  So far I haven't dropped them - fingers crossed.  I organized the trays by color, light to dark, and it allows me to put the trays out that I need to access.   When done I just cover them all and stack the cookie sheets on top of each other so they take up a smaller footprint.   Still looking for that perfect place to store them so I get my horizontal counter space back.

I am going to do a full study too of Sassy, Walter's sister.  According to Laurie she is hard to photo as she won't stay still, camera shy I guess.  But not Walter, look at that direct "looking at you" gaze.  Once I see if I can get them both down I am going to try to do them together.

Thanks so much for stopping by.


Joan Tavolott said…
Oh, you captured that soft look of the fur purr-fectly!!! It gives it a nice texture too. The pastels were the right choice for this. Well done!
I hope everyone will enlarge this to see how purrfect it is. You did a magnificent job on this Nelvia; I could almost feel his soft fur.
Sheila said…
WOW, you are awesome at cats!! I so want to try pan pastels. Saw a demo on them when they first came out. Like your idea about storing them.
Beach Bunny said…
You really captured Walter!!!! Awesome!

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