Kingfisher At Morning pastel portrait

I am really have a difficult time getting this picture shot and showing the true representation of the colors.  After about 10 tries this is the best I am going to get I think.

This is another intermediate lesson that I tried (you can see the instructor's picture below).  Again I wanted to use a different pose so I had a good reference shot to work from, but utilized the background and branch idea that Colin did so I could get the technique down.  Not intended to match it perfectly as I didn't like some of what he did and wanted to go my own way.  Well I didn't get the technique down, my head tended to blur the colors together even though I kept sharpening the pencils, but I think it looks more like my photo than his would.  Also, in real life the bird isn't quite so blue, really more light blues in it.  I also went back to another Kingfisher that I did back in January 2015 and that piece was on velour paper as opposed to the Ingres paper I am using now.  Just thought it would be an interesting comparison to see if I felt I learned anything and like what I am doing better now or then.  Your thoughts are appreciated!!

I did the background in pan pastels and not sure that I like the water and foliage textures as think some of them could have been sharper, but it does really push the bird front and center.  Yes, I know cardinal rule don't put subject in center of paper, didn't think I did but once I got it done I saw oops .....  oh, well, live and learn.  Bird and tree/foliage he is sitting on was mostly pencils with a few sticks in the foliage as I didn't have the colors in the pencils.  I looked at my collection and I really don't have lots of greens so thinking I was never primed for landscapes.

I got some new toys and not sure what my next project will be, probably will want to play with them a bit.  But do have an idea of the next lesson I want to do and have already found a reference photo to work from again that is pretty similar to the instructors.
Colin's Piece
January 2105 Challenge
Thanks much for taking a look.


Helen said…
My eye goes straight to his eye then darts around the page. He may be in the center, but the branch he's sitting on draws the attention down an over. I love this one.
Unknown said…
I see nothing wrong with it at all - beautifully done. We are our own worst critics.
I do like your pose better, Nelvia, as I can imagine the bird watching the water for a fish. I also think your colours pop more though the greens may not be true to life. I can't say that I like the colours used for the background but you did a super job of 'duplicating' his work. Well Done!
Sheila said…
I think it's wonderful. Love the soft texture in his chest. :)
Joan Tavolott said…
Lovely...I like the highlights on the blue feathers. Love the colors!

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