PADT Challenge German Shepherd pastel portrait

                                                   PADT Challenge - German Shepherd

Back in July of 2011 I tried my first challenge piece with the Paint and Draw Together group.  I was still working fill time and felt it might help me get a bit more productive.  Plus, I find with challenges that I end up doing subjects I wouldn't normally pick for myself.  Anyway, I was really faithful for a lot of years, but have drifted off into other things, but always keep an eye on what is being posted and try at least to comment and participate a couple of times a year.

Well, I saw this stunning dog and just had to do him.  When I was younger we had a Shepherd, but I, even with all the dogs I have done, I have never drawn a Shepherd.  So now was definitely the time.  I thought I would check to see if Colin had ever done this breed and unfortunately he hadn't.  So I was truly on  my own to see if I could do what he does and apply the techniques I have been working with.  Different in this project was the mouth, teeth and tongue.

I was also very attracted to the background in the original photo reference, but I toned it down quite a bit.  It was a fall scene and heavy on the purples on one side and oranges on the other.  But I felt it really competed with the dog itself, so I used  my pans and went pretty monochromatic so the dog definitely would be the focal point.

This was pans for the background, pastel pencils for the dog and done on Ingres paper.

Thanks much for stopping by.


Helen said…
Very nice, very nice. You have a talent for capturing animals' expressive faces.
Sheila said…
Really wonderful! you are so good with fur, and expressions :) My Dad had a German Shepherd mix, she was the best dog ever.
Unknown said…
Beautifully done - love the eyes as well.
Absolutely brilliant, Nelvia! You have captured this breed very well and of course the eyes are super.
hmuxo said…
Beautiful work Nelvia!! Outstanding work on animals...
Joan Tavolott said…
Wonderful piece, Nelvia! I like how the background is muted so the dog stands out. Great job on his fur and the open mouth is done perfectly.
Jane said…
A wonderful portrait of a great dog, I used to own three of them in another time of my life. The fur looks so real !!

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