Final Result |
Ok, this is a small, 4.5"x5" tester of the colored pencil powder blender and texture fixative. This needs to be used on a sealed paper, either gessoed paper or what most people are using is the sanded paper. Unsealed paper just sucks up the blender and doesn't give a good effect. This happens to be a scrap piece of Colorfis and was a rust color. The paper was pretty dark and it ended up that I couldn't really bring the whites to where I wanted them. But even after the first layer if I didn't know I wouldn't think it was color pencils.
Initial Layer |
I put the first layer on the entire picture, then I used a Sofft sponge (these are the same applicators that you use with the pans pastels), like the kind that comes in powdered eye makeup, and the blending powder, use really barely any amount, and then blended. It creates some dust as you move the CP around and really you need to have a good amount of colored pencil on the surface for it to work well. You can see in the background here I just had a small amount of CP on and it really didn't blend and do much for coverage.
Second Layer |
Here I had put on a second layer and blended it, but hadn't sprayed it yet. When you do the blending the powder leaves kind of a glittery surface. Once you spray, supposed to be non-toxic, but I went outside, it seals the layer below, so you can pencil over the top of say the stripes won't blend or move. Kind of cool and think this is one of the advantages of this method. Because you are working on the sanded paper it takes quite a bit of colored pencil at each application and it does speed up the timeframe of doing a CP piece. Usually it is a very slow process. At the end of the day it probably doesn't eat up the pencils after faster because you use less layers than the traditional application.
Final Fourth Layer |
Ok I jumped a layer here and put on a fourth layer. I still wasn't happy with the whites so I ended up and used some pastel pencil to punch it up a bit. I am not sure what color paper is the best to work with using this method but it isn't rust. One thing to note is after it is sprayed for the final time the fixative actually hardens and seals the painting so you don't have to use glass or acrylic, just frame it.
Wow, got to tell you, the lady who created the powder blender and texture fixative and a couple more products in this line is Alyona Nickelsen. She is a "rock star" of colored pencil, just an awesome artist. As a matter of fact I have one of her books and it is dog eared. Anyway I just posted about this on my Facebook page, Nelvia's Fine Art, and she responded. Not sure how she found it and me, and feeling a little sheepish as this isn't a finished piece, but quite amazed and honored. Her company is Brush and pencil and well worth supporting.
Lots more to learn on this but not a bad result for a totally new process.