30 Day Challenge #11 - Licorce

Pastel/Sanded paper
One of the best things about drawing is getting to eat the props.  Not only do these look good and colorful, they taste good too!  Today I took a little breather as the picture I am working on isn't finished and I didn't want to do a WIP shot.  1/3 of the way through this challenge but feel I am receiving benefits from the pressure to do something presentable daily.   So hanging onto that will try to plow into the last 2/3s of the days.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you are having a wonderful weekend.


hmuxo said…
Licorce is one of my favorites....preferable strawberry! yum! This painting is beautifully done. I love all the colors and texture you put into it....using the sanded paper was a good idea. Eating the props is the icing on the cake!
Jane said…
I don't know if I would be able to paint these, I'm afraid they would disappear during the painting...one of my favorite sweets! Looking good and very realistic !
Nelvia said…
Ladies, too bad chocolate is so boring!

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