30 Day Challenge #26 - Sweet Dreams

                                                                      Sweet Dreams
This is Fergie, my dog niece.  She belongs to the neighbors, but as soon as they let her out of her gate she is on her way to the door to our porch.  She has boundless energy and tells the story of whatever she is talking about that day.  She is curled up on the couch here getting her beauty sleep and is one of the picture references I have. I have another that I am going to try to do an oil of, but thought this was just a precious bundle of fur.

Thanks for stopping by and hope you are having a good Monday.


hmuxo said…
A very sweet painting, Nelvia... Wonderful work.
SamDoum said…
Aww, so cute and adorable. I could pick her up and hug her! So sweet!
good job on the hair! Pictures like this make me miss my dog.
Tam Foree said…
So cute, Nelvia. Her gesture is sweet!
Nelvia said…
Can't wait to do her full face especially after she has been groomed. Glad you enjoyed it Hilda.
Nelvia said…
Thank you Sam ,such a nice compliment.
Nelvia said…
Long hair is always a different challenge. Dog are such wonderful creatures, except the dogs in my neighborhood that yap all day. Do tappers ever wear out?
Nelvia said…
She is nice and comfy on the couch, but she is official to be there. She is a cutie to be sure.

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