30 Day Challenge #14- Blueridge Sunrise

Blueridge Sunrise
Well one of the best things about doing the challenge is that you don't have to have super high expectations and can experiment without fear of failure.  So this is taking my trying to get loose into an abstract, simplified look at the sunrise over the mountain ranges of the Blueridge.  You look out when you are at elevation and all you see are countless ridges flowing to the horizon.   They are eternal just like the waves rolling in off of the oceans.  24 hours a day, 7 days a week, they have been here forever regardless of the day or the weather.   It is so refreshing and peaceful to survey God's creation. 
Thanks for stopping by and hope you are having a great week.


hmuxo said…
You captured God's creation beautifully in this little abstract, Nelvia... Nice work!!!
Nelvia said…
I guess the secret to these abstracts things is to just keep trying them. Simplify is what I am going to go for.

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