Shades of Pink

Shades of Pink This is kind of a culmination of lots of things I have been working on for the last couple of months. It started with a photo I liked, putting it into GIMP I wanted to put it into color dropper and see what colors/tones were coming up. They weren't quite striking enough so I then went to adjusting the color curves. Came up with several options that I really liked. Thought it might be a great fun way to better learn how to mix colors and do a little mini series as well. Going to call it Shades of.... Then it was back into oils. I kind of am addicted to them now that I got through the first painting. I do really like how they blend. Currently am using a styrofoam meat tray as my palette so I can just toss it when it is to messy to clean. However this was more complex or something and I wasn't able to get it finished in just one sitting. So I needed to utilize some of the painting medium for my oil...