
Showing posts from April, 2017

PADT Challenge German Shepherd pastel portrait

                                                   PADT Challenge - German Shepherd                                                                           8"x9"                                                                       Pastel/Paper Back in July of 2011 I tried my first challenge piece with the Paint and Draw Together group.  I was still working fill time and felt it might help me get a bit more productive.  Plus, I find with challenges that I end up doing subjects I wouldn't ...


                                                                           Gala                                                                          24"x18"                                                                          Acrylic       Well I think it is ok to post this now as this was a commission I was working on in January for an April anniversary gift and should be in its permanent home by now.  T...

Into the Light

                                                                    Into the Light                                                                          9"x8"                                                                         Pastel Well, this is based on the first advanced lesson from Colin Bradley.  As I have done previously, I am using a different pose than he did, but a similar concept.  then I still work through the instruction videos...

Tiger Tester

Final Result Ok, this is a small, 4.5"x5" tester of the colored pencil powder blender and texture fixative.  This needs to be used on a sealed paper, either gessoed paper or what most people are using is the sanded paper.  Unsealed paper just sucks up the blender and doesn't give a good effect.  This happens to be a scrap piece of Colorfis and was a rust color.  The paper was pretty dark and it ended up that I couldn't really bring the whites to where I wanted them.  But even after the first layer if I didn't know I wouldn't think it was color pencils. Initial Layer I put the first layer on the entire picture, then I used a Sofft sponge (these are the same applicators that you use with the pans pastels), like the kind that comes in powdered eye makeup, and the blending powder, use really barely any amount, and then blended.  It creates some dust as you move the CP around and really you need to have a good amount of colored pencil on the sur...

Kingfisher At Morning pastel portrait

Kingfisher in Morning                                                                          10"x8"                                                                          Pastel I am really have a difficult time getting this picture shot and showing the true representation of the colors.  After about 10 tries this is the best I am going to get I think. This is another intermediate lesson that I tried (you can see the instructor's picture below).  Again I wanted to use a different pose so I had a good reference shot to work from, but utilized the background and branch idea that Colin did so I c...

Majestic Tiger pastel portrait

                                                                         Majestic                                                                           10"x8"                                                                           Pastel I think I mentioned that I was thinking about studying with an online English pastelist, Colin Bradley.  I have worked through several of his free lessons, this being one, and decided to bite ...

Border Collie dog pastel portrait

This little guy is a freebie lesson from Colin Bradley, an English pastel artist.  He uses strictly pastel pencils and has a variety of subjects and lots of YouTube videos.  Looking at his community where people post their lessons it strikes you that his teaching style/techniques must be very good as there is wonderful, solid work being done under this instruction.  I did one of his cats for the 30 day challenge and was intrigued with his lessons and thought/am thinking about studying with him for a bit.  Anyway, since I have been out of sorts for almost all of March, I decided to give this a try with a friend I met at PMP who was working on the same free video lesson.   Same subject, similar look, but each style is unique and hers turned out just lovely.  Even better, I gained a new artist friend!! Anyway I started using Stonehenge paper, oh what a difference paper can make, and it was a tremendous mistake so I aborted rather than continue and started ...