Hard Times mixed media still life

Hard Times As you know I don't do landscapes, I really suck at them as a matter of fact. I used have big issues with backgrounds too. Then I found collage. It seems to have addressed some of my background issues with portraits. So, I was curious, could it help me with the quest to do landscapes? So is this experimentation gone wrong? I have, after seeing a program on Yellowstone buffalo herds in the winter, painted buffaloes before. Hence the idea of a buffalo in a snowstorm was born. I wanted to see if I could take the techniques I have been working on in my course on faces and see if I could bring them into something else. This was done in 3 stages, background/middle ground/foreground. I put down some charcoal to give me tree shapes, then wet it, added some home made collage paper and several layers of really liquid gesso over it. (for this painting I made soft blues/grays special paper, trying to give me shapes that ...