End of 30 Paintings in 30 Days

Well, it is finally Day 30 and it is with mixed emotions that it has come. Didn't get to post yesterday as we had a snow event which created quite a crisis with stranded people on the highway, been way cold, 10 right now, and then had to deal with a computer virus. So am posting the last two days together. I also wanted to put a few of my finished pieces out so I could get some feedback. Lyrae was a present for my friend, they lost her about a year ago and the last picture of the toucan is the final drawing for the daily challenge. So what have I accomplished in 30 days - went back to read my posts to see if I met the original expectations, found I did and then some: 1) First off anyone who works at art full time has such a tremendous commitment. It is both mentally and physically challenging and just hard work 2) I am actually painting faster and completing things - that should continue to carry through and improve my plodder mentality where I...