Odd Man Out

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!    Yes it is time for those New Year resolutions that we ponder over but seldom keep all year.
Paul has noticed that some of his vegetables and fruit have gone missing over the last 2 days.  Good reason for that as one of my art goals for 2014 is to do more drawing from life.  So am going to try to do at least one study each day with pastel and from life.  These are in groups of three and so got the title of Odd Man Out.   Another goal is I also want to get back to working with pastel and try a new style, to get away from lots of blending and see if I can work a bit looser.  One of the end of year 2013 goals was to reconfigure my pastels and sort them by value so as I work these pictures I am learning a new system as well.  Harley Brown states you can use any color and it will work if you are in the correct value.  So fuchsia bananas might be in our future!!!!  
As always the sketch book is our friend and looks like I will be fixing my pastels as well as putting tracing paper cover sheets (something I don't ordinarily do as it tends to change the color) but just the wear and tear will tend to smear and I hope to discipline myself so I can look back this time next year and see a progression. 
Thanks for stopping by and have a great painting week.


renate said…
Hi Nelvia: Happy New Year to you and Paul! You made a great start with your pastels. Wonderful. I hope you will surprise us this year with more of your lovely paintings. The love of a man goes through his stomach so please give Paul the food back:):) Have a great week too! Love ya.xxx
sidmar said…
Happy new year Nelvia,lovely pastels and good luck with new year's resolutions:)
Alexander said…
Wonderful, and a Happy New Year to you too.
I just love those stills from you. Great.
Nelvia said…
Good to hear from you. Living with Paul and his great cooking, love goes through my stomach too. Hope to get more structured and productive this year. Love ya
Nelvia said…
Sidmar, so good to hear from you. Hope all is week, checked to see if you had posted lately just the other day. Happy New Year. Definitely want to see more of your fresh colors this year. Best to you
Nelvia said…
Hi Alexander, hope that you had a wonderful party last night. Am sure you were cooking? Thanks much for stopping by. Hope to do more posts this year so hoping no one finds it annoying. ;). Talk to you later!
Rita Vaselli said…

Dear Nelvia ,Happy New Year to you and Paul.! Painting from life is always a lesson to improve the painting.
I wish you to develop your projects in the direction of your heart as an artist.You have a valuable aid in inspiration also from the culinary art of your Paul! Lucky woman!!! Baci ed abbracci,Rita.

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