Lady Graphite Portrait

This is already the fourth week of my course - and almost the end of January!! Whoa, can we just slow it down a bit. Just an update that even though we live in the "deep South" I am feeling like it's the Midwest. Our snow never materialized, but the arctic blast sure did and here we are at noon and it still isn't above freezing. I don't think this is supposed to happen here!! Anyway, on to the lesson results. Actually I lightened the photo quite a bit. Even though I shot this outside it came out pretty dark. So the actually photo, if you lightened the whites, looks more like this, it isn't nearly as washed out as it appears. This lesson was a lot more in my comfort zone than last week's van Gough. I started out doing portraits with this method - using a stump/tortillion to put the graphite around the painting. It actually becomes loaded with graphite and you can either clean or use it like a brush of sorts. ...