Sideways Glance charcoal drawing of girl

Sideways Glance
We have had so much gray/rain, that well, today we have something that looks like blue and a yellow/orange ball in the sky.  Not sure what the heck it is!!

Well, since it has been so extra cold and rainy here I decided to utilize what old people get as part of their Medicare Advantage Plan - Silver Sneakers.  So I am heading back to the gym, been a long time since I did the gym actually using the machines and weights, not doing classes.  Actually I was there before the end of the year and am seeing all the "resolution" people flooding the gym.   I heard that resolutions only last until around 1/12 - so will be interested to see how quickly it empties out.   Anyway, I really need to stretch and build flexibility, since I walk so much I am not necessarily all about cardio although got to say it is nice to use the treadmill or elliptical on rain days.  I decided to try and focus on the stability ball.  Needless to say, any muscles you don't use do mean "sore" for a while.  But I have to say I do feel like I get a whole body work out and actually tingle for hours after I leave the gym.   Instead of being wiped out I have that invigorated feeling - but then of course I slow way down in the afternoon on gym days.  Not a bad tradeoff.   Oh yeah, got to say that old ball is a whole lot harder than it looks, a slippery little guy, and I have hit the knees and butt more than once.

Today's sketch is Sideways Glance.  As most of you know 2019 is the year of the portrait for me - thinking my class will start soon as everyone it introducing themselves as we speak.    First lesson is using the cheap ballpoint pens - ah, think that means I can't erase all the mistakes - oh no!! (ha, I got them though as I still have liquid white out"   Anyway, it will be interesting to see the improvement, man, I am hoping there will be much improvement, and that was one of the reasons I decided to get the sketchbook out again and try to be active in it several times a week so I can get encouraged when I am discouraged.    For me the biggest challenge on this girl was the "pouty" lips.  

I wanted to include this shot from my desk of the wonderful gift I got from Helen.  I think many of you might know Helen as she comments on many of the same blogs.  Anyway, she did this incredible book of quotes and one of her paintings, one for each week of the year.  So, I have it in a prominent place where I will see it multiple times a day.  So cool, it is like you are here with me encouraging me daily Helen.  

Thanks much for stopping by and taking a look.


Helen said…
Oh!!! I was getting ready to comment to say how proud I am of you for working on flexibility and strength... so important! Keep it up!
... And then I scrolled on down and see the little shout-out! Awww! I hope you enjoy it!
Sheila said…
High five to you Nelvia for hitting the gym. Those balls are tough! You can do it! Yes you can! you can do it! Your the man! Ha ha! Don't think I remembered that cheer quite right.
This is beautiful. All the textures, and depth in her hair. She looks sad to me. Someone hurt her feelings. You are so amazing at conveying emotion Nelvia :)
We have had rain all afternoon, and it is supposed to last all night. Correction. It is a heavy drizzle. Not full on rain. Yet. But California is getting flood levels, and it looks like some of that is coming our way.
I guess many of us are thinking of getting back to some kind of exercise program - good for you for getting it started. I like this sketch Nelvia. It reminds me a bit of my granddaughter when she puts on that pouty 'you are not nice' look. I look forward to seeing how things go with your portrait work.

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