Size:  9"x12"
Media:  Acrylic on paper

Well this is September's Draw and Paint Together challenege and it was a challenge.  About half way through I knew I couldn't get the grain and had the shadows too dark and just didn't like what was coming.  But kept seeing the postings from the group members and how great they were and knew you don't learn anything by quitting a painting. So guts it rhough and while not exatly what I was looking for, got this one in before we leave for a week in the mountains.  Vacation and 25th wedding anniversay!!!


renate said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
renate said…
Note: I deleted my first commend becouse of many writing errors!

Hai Nelvia, Happy wedding anniversary! Being married is the same as painting; never quit if it's not going the way you want it to go. At the end the result is great; sea the result of your painting and your anniversary. They are both great!!!!

Nelvia said…
Thanks Renate, you are right because everything worthwhile is worth working hard for.
You are doing fine with the English by the way! :)
Alexander said…
you managed it well, I did not even try since I did not have the feeling to get it done to my satisfaction. not my cup of tea more or less. so I am looking and waiting forward for the next one.
Nelvia said…
Hey A, good to hear from you. I too am looking forward to the new pic this week. Just back from traveling and will check your site this weekend to see what you've been up to. :)
Unknown said…
Just going through your past achievements - WOW, I love this one.

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