Acrylic:  9"x12" on paper

This is the result of a new challenge group, Paint My Picture.  This was a good challenge, fun, but making you think as you could only use two colors and black and white.  Being me, I never would have set up to do something like this, so this really hits my buttons on why I wanted to do challenges. 
I used burnt sienna and yellow ochre as my two main colors plus the white and black (might have cheated a bit as I don't have black on my pallet and create it out of burnt sienna and ultramarine blue).  Happy with the result of different values, not so happy with the perspective, definitely something I have to address.
Thanks to Renate who found this challenge first and seeing her picture made me want to go for it.
Already have learned some things just reading their blog and the photo references are spectacular.  More good things to come from this connection I am sure.


renate said…
Hello Nelvia, it realy is a beauty! BTW: the name of the site is: Paint my PHOTO. But who cares?
Alexander said…
hi especially the left wall is really "alive". very nice painting rgds a
Helen said…
Very nice! I'm drawn to paintings done with a limited palette.

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