Bald Eagle

Well was away from this for a few days, but thought about it and came home and did a whirlwind finish. Just dropped in the color and let it go and hope it still reads white. My Mom diagnosed my problem, I always struggle when there is color under with white on top, tough to do with my chosen media which is transparent or turns to mud.
Am now at the fiddling stage but am going to officially call this done. Thanks to Gary Jones for such a great reference photo, will post to PMP and hope I did his photo proud.
Got a new dog to do for a friend and will do in pastel, been pondering on her. Also am donating a pet portrait to a charity of my friend's daughter that helped her have two healthy baby boys. So will see what comes of that.


Rita Vaselli said…
Finding the plumage ... it is truly a beautiful goal!
But this eagle is coming SUPERB ...
Lacks little to finish ... But to you,dear Nelvia this seems,maybe, a long time to finish!
Happy painting on your great EAGLE,kisses,Rita.
Het is zo 'n geweldige kop geworden dikke complimenten van mij lieve groetjes Danielle
renate said…
Hi Nelvia:) I think it is finished:)! I can't find a problem here. It is so stunning. You did such a great job on this, Nelvia. My big compliments! See you!:)xxx
Nelvia said…
Thank you Danielle, glad you like him or her.
Nelvia said…
Glad to hear from you and thank you for being one of my biggest supporters. Hugs
Nelvia said…
Hey C, you know you may end up with 11 more dogs, when they get bigger they just get cuter and cuter! Thanks for stopping by and I'm looking for your next post :)
Nelvia said…
Hi Jola, thank you for stopping by and even better leaving m a note. You guys sure help with your support and thoughts. Will have to check out your site just looking at your little icon, looks like you have some fun things. :)
Angela Sullivan said…
Very nice job. Love the boldness of this painting.

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