Rick's Dad WIP

A friend that I used to work with posted this picture of his father on FB.  I had been looking for a portrait that I could do of someone in uniform from the 1940s-60s.    I wanted to do it in graphite with a terracotta tinge - sort of like a sepia print that was so common in those days.
So this is on matboard, and I have put a light terracotta coating over the background area.  Once I get the graphite in then I will do the face and another layer on the background. 
This is going to be about trying to create various textures with the graphite from the slick leather of the hat band and visor and bomber jacket to the silky scarf, and fuzzy warm liner.    It even has a zipper thrown in here.  He also has that dashing scarf that was so popular in those days.  Plus, just look at that smile, what a handsome guy he was, bet he made many a heart flutter.
Thanks for stopping by and  hope you have a great weekend.


Jane said…
You have so many irons in the fire at the same time ( like me ) , he is already looking gorgeous !
hmuxo said…
He's coming along so beautifully, Nelvia! I can't wait to see this one progress!!
Alexander said…
looks great :) always the moment where one wonders shall i stop? or continue? very handsome drawing

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