On Alert springer spaniel pastel portrait

                                                                      On Alert
                                                              Pastel/Color Pencil
Sandie Bell is a wonderful photographer at PMP and this is her dog, Izzy.  She has some of the best photos of Izzy and got a couple more that I JUST have to do.  Took a few days off from art and was ready to get some marks on paper and decided to try Izzy.

I started with color pencil on mat board but couldn't get it to cooperate so then switched and started adding pan pastels and then highlights with the color pencil.  Anyway, just kind of turned into a hot mess of a mixed media piece.  But it got me going again and now just have to figure out what the next project is going to be.

thanks much for stopping by.


I am not sure that the dark background was the best choice for this piece as the dog really doesn't show up that well. fortunately I can enlarge the photo and see it up close - much better. Have a great day.
Joan Tavolott said…
The mixed media was a great idea for the texture of the fur. I like it but agree the background would be better a little lighter.
Jane said…
Another great portrait , very strong expression , love how you did the eyes !

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