ACEO #2 - Elephant
Size 2.5"x3.5" (Mini)
Medium: Marker w/graphite

Here is my second tiny picture.  This is one of my first experiments of putting down art marker to lay in the base color and then doing graphite work on top of it.  You probably recognize this picture from the larger version.  This mini, of course much smaller, came together very fast because of the memory of putting the larger piece together.  I was happy with this and am going to continue to work in this small format because it is quite a challenge to put together something in so small a space.  Also, the real reason is if I don't like it I haven't put a lot of time into it.  Second real reason is I can work on this at night after work and sit in my easy chair.


Alexander said…
excellent the elephant comes stomping thru rgds a

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