Well after cleaning out the garage yesterday and washing all the woodwork inside and out on the porch today I have to go back to work to rest.  I am pretty tired so only got a could of hours of work on her and not it is down to watch the golf championship.
But I was able to get started on my friend's dog.  She has been bubbling in my head for weeks now and just haven't gotten the nerve to put pastel to paper.  But think at least I got enough of her down so that we can do an eye color check and also a fur check.  My reference photos of mostly inside with flash and the one I have in sun is really bright light, so I am kind of guessing here.  She is definitely part long hair shepherd and thinking I need to adjust in more rust tones, but just want some more input before I get into her face and take her way to yellow.  This is somewhat a challenge because the black paper does funky things to the colors and I have to remember to put down purples before I do the yellows or I will get green.   Since it's back to work tomorrow I just ran over and wrote myself a note to be sure I didn't make green or shades thereof.  My inclination is that I am going to have to pop her up because on the black it dulls the colors down.  I have already been using some odd colors to try to get close to the reference colors.  Hoping I have enough paper tooth left as this isn't a really hearty paper.  Oh well, this might be a great practice study piece at the worst.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great painting week.


Rita Vaselli said…
Cara Nelvia,tu hai il dono per ritrarre persone ed animali,dando a sguardo molta intensità, e
Nelvia dear, you have a gift for portraying people and animals, giving to eyes a lot of intensity and life!
Have nivce week!!!
hmuxo said…
Oh Nelvia!!! this is going to be beautiful! You started off perfectly...the eyes are are amazing already and the fur is coming along SO nicely. I have never worked with black paper but would like to after seeing your painting!! Wonderful start!!
Nelvia said…
Well took my pics to David and he wants lighter eyes, so make a few tweaks and see if that passes. If not will try to take pastel off and recolor, but might have to start again. Thank you my dar, you always strive for life, this one is a princess with attitude
Nelvia said…
Oh Hilda thanks for commenting. You know the pastel so well and please give me your gut feel comments. I can't believe what unusual colors you can use to get the effect. Only thing is it really deadens the color and got to be brave to pull it back put. Feels good to be dusty again.

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