Well here is my fun and colorful 5"x7" cone flowers.  This is acrylic on a canvas paper and it did allow for the acrylic paint to slide around a bit on the coating.  Have made the rest of the sheet into ATC sized cards so I can continue to experiment on it.  Loved the bright pinks and played with twisting the brush, double loading and floating. For you that do watercolor all the time am sure you do these naturally.  So I am enjoying this pop of color in my frame by the computer on this rainy day.  Thinking about trying some sunflowers, Renate, you got me started to add more sunshine and less drizzle to the last three days. 
Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great painting week.


Alexander said…
this is one of the results, where i wonder if this could not be turned out into a great abstract one, if only i had enough courage and fantasy. happened to me some times now, that a flower, a fish or whatever looks like ordering move on and put the stroke to abstraction and it will be not any more just nice but great. vexes me somehow this thing, how about you there?
Nelvia said…
WhenI worked I found myself too regimented, now it is time to play, try and if it fails I still learn something, that is why I really like the ATC sizes, small and quick. I am going to makes smaller sizes for a while to just get painting practice and as you say fantasy - join me on the journey, we can only send to each other. I am learning more about brushes, moving them and allowing the stroke, not making it. Have some Pentel brush pens that the Japanese use for calligraphy and hope to see if that gives me different strokes and the feeling of control.
Alexander said…
might easily be so with some special brush. though i am to greedy often to buy some new ones in time to avoid being frustrated and angry :) but seems we both are in similar stages in point of motifs - away from something fixed and given and more into fantasy

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