Floating mixed media abstract figurative

Well the last three lessons have been about learning to paint intuitively.  For a straight arrow such as myself, it has been a pretty sufficient challenge.  While I have tried to let go I still find myself partly painting in a semi realistic fashion.   Maybe that is just going to be my style - but doesn't mean I won't continue to try to let go.  But the beginning painting process, where the subject is going to come from, and how it is going to go is definitely getting free from preplanning.  Mostly it becomes a study of finding the hook and then where does that take you.  My teachers are creating most of their paintings without any references at all.  And, of course ranging from folk to abstract art.  

Beginning of painting w/little collage
To start this lesson I scraped off my palette and got some color on top of an old painting.  I then collaged a couple of sheets of paper towel (had been under the glass in my palette and gotten stained) onto the surface.   Then study, what caught my eye and how could I use it.   

I got hooked on what I thought was a decolage chest, so there was at least the makings of a figure.  The paper towels had blue stains, so that made me think of water.   Once I thought water I added more stained paper towels.  

Floating, 16"x12" was born.  While I like the way the paper towel takes the stain, it also absorbed the matte medium/clear gesso - and probably will the final varnish - and didn't leave a solid surface.  It became one more obstacle to painting over it.

I did find a reference, not easy to get something where the pose could pretty much marry into my chest position.   Then it was a matter of adding paint and trying to depict both areas above and below the water line.  In this painting there are some pretty funky skin tones.

 Thanks much for stopping by and taking a look.
Add'l collage around subject area


Sheila said…
Bravo!! I zoomed in to see her face, and then I saw all the wonderful texture. Brilliant!!! She is captivating!! I do see the looseness and I think you are succeeding more than you give yourself credit for ;) One thing bothers me though. Her lower arm. Maybe just a bit more width where it connects to the body. Everything is so eye catching. But that one piece falls short. High five to you for your dedication and consistency! And your fearlessness!! xoxo
I like the finished product but agree with Sheila about the lower arm. I applaud your ability to 'see' something in the initial background as that is something I always have trouble with in loose work. Nice job Nelvia.
Joan Tavolott said…
You did a lovely job on this! I love all the textures!! They really make her look like she's floating. Bravo!!!
hmuxo said…
Beautiful!! Outstanding texture Nelvia. ... and very original.

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