The Fire Inside mixed media portrait

The Fire Inside
Meet Grace, she is the granddaughter of a photographer friend from PMP-Art, Sandie Bell.   Sandie is a wonderful photographer and has share so many photos, of her dogs and her grandchildren.  We have gotten to watch Grace grow up and she is maturing into a beautiful young woman.

Wanted to try my color patch technique again and as always have to change things up.   Actually I started this using acrylic paints.   However, this palette was really, really subdued.   I just couldn't get the color to lighten up.   So decided to try an experiment.   I hear your groans!!!    Anyway, slapped on some clear gesso and decided I would switch to pastels and see how the technique worked with that.   So, I think what I came up with here is still lots of color, but not as bold, more subdued but still full of energy and vibrancy.

Thanks much for stopping by and taking a look.


Sheila said…
Ha ha ha ha! No groan here Nelvia. LOL ;) Pure magic! Beautiful! Muted and bright, perfectly balanced. :)
Another fascinating painting Nelvia! I am not a fan of yellow so this one doesn't resonate with me the same way the last one did but I do applaud your experimenting - as Sheila said - no groan here - lol!
Joan Tavolott said…
Finally starting to catch up. Those touches of color on her skin are just great!! This portrait really shines.

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