Okay, hung in there with this one, this is for PADT August challenge. Again another ACEO because I wanted to do in colored pencil and get it finished within the month timeframe. I tried different layers here and also used solvent because the paper wasn't filling in and looked spotty.  Wasn't happy with either experiment - solvent made the background flat and my color layers didn't end up with what I thought I'd get, so used tape to pull off color and it ended up pulling off paper with it - nothing went right about this painting.  Wanted to quit in the worst way but kept on and at least got it done.  I have a lot more to learn about this medium that is for darn sure.  (Can you hear the grrrrr in there?) 
Have found a super site for anyone who wants to hear from other artists and get a free art education, wetcanvas.com.  You probably all know about it, I am usually the slowest; but wow is it ever a treat for the mind and eyes.  So many talents who are willing to share tips, thought processes and techniques.  No matter what your current level you will get stimulated to improve.  You certainly can get an art school education there if you take the time to read. 
Am working on getting some more larger pieces going again and I think that will make me happy as I just want to kick back and play with no pressure, have a big cat I am going to tackle and several new things I am going to try to implement, from of course things I've read at wetcanvas.com. 
Thanks for stopping by and have a good painting week.


Alexander said…
I think this is wonderfully done. also I the black background all in all a really nice one. also the waterdrops really, as with almost all your paintings a joy to see and look
renate said…
Hello dear Nelvia:) Yes, I sure could hear that grrrr :) But after the grrrrr I heard a lot of positive noises:) Thank you Wet Canvas..
So far I can see (It is SO small!!) it looks wonderful. The colors are beautiful, that's for sure! Knowing you, you gave 100% input and that's why your paintings and drawings are always so beautiful! And this one is too! Tomorrow I will send a mail:) Have a nice evening!
Nelvia said…
Hey npmy buddies am watching Olympics here. You are so fast thank you as always for your support -you both keep me working and am lucky I found you guys. Big thanks to you both. A tomorrow I owe you a response (but after the yard yardwork, ugh)
Hi, Nelvia. I think this turned out very nicely, despite the grrrrr's, lol! Just think of all you learned from this one little painting. Aren't you glad you didn't give up? It's a beautiful little painting! :o)
Now to go check out wetcanvas.com.
Take care, and happy painting! :o)
Rita Vaselli said…
Hello Nelvia , your rose, despite the process troubled, is gorgeous!
I printed the photos for the challenge but I have not had the inspiration to do it! You have made ​​a precious miniature!
I know wetcanvas from several years ... sometimes you do not say things thinking that everyone knows! So you were right to write it for those who did not know! Very interesting is receive newsletters Wetcanvas!
It 's also a beautiful library reference picture, which are released FREE and large format!Have nice Sunday!Happy painting!
Nelvia said…
Hi Sherry, I am glad it was small or it would be undone, nice thing about the ACEO. Thanks for leaving me your support.
Nelvia said…
Morning Rita, I am glad I am getting back to doing the challenges, I skipped a couple, but Lela always gets good photos, but they don' T always speak to us all. I am glad you know WetCanvas too, confirms my original delight in finding it. There is so much on the site I haven't gotten to the reference library yet. I have gotten some nice references from Paint My Photo which Renate found and got me hooked on. Hope your weather cooled off, we got up this morning to 60 degrees, ahhhh, can breathe.
Pat Koscienski said…
Glad you perservered. Beautiful painting; no matter how small.

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