Ok Saturday afternoon here, not sure what the rest of the weekend will bring as far as progress, as I have both yard or housework so thought I'd post my progress.
Finding the short hairs on the nozzle area difficult as there are lots of different directions that they go, but hoping that I am getting the feel of it.  Lots of different techniques here as the nose area is very different than trying to get the thick long coarse hairs on the face fringe.  Am going to try not to stress out until I get more of the actual full-on face area in and then make adjustments in color and shadows.  Here is the challenege for me, trying to get it to look good both closeup, when you can see the strokes, and long view where the eye blends the colors and the picutre reads totally different.  Have to tell you I did the mouth/chin area at 2ish in Friday morning hours when I guess I was unconscious, so hope it came out.  Hate to say that at that time it all looked good.  :)  I fully realize that when I don't have to pop out of the floor at work each day that some of my most productive hours might be in the middle of the night.  I seem to be less imhibited then for whatever reason, scary at the time, but in the morning light I think, ok, I can live with this.


renate said…
Hello Nelvia:)I also have several times heard the birds in the early morning awakening while I was still painting. In the evening and at night I have most of the rest to paint. The next day I sometimes regret it.
You Tiger is wonderful. I have him just to 400% enlarged. I get then a small part to see, but still. I can then better see how you proceed. What a precise design!
I think the teeth are great, especially the color. And the lower lip is also very beautiful. He walks nicely around inwards. Very well done!
The hairs under his Chin look so real.
Go by and don't do anything hastily. Lots of love and a big hug xx
Rita Vaselli said…
Wonderful creature
this tiger that comes from your hands! Congratulations, Nelvia!

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