Ok coming off a highly technology afternoon, for me.  Spent a couple of hours making some CDs for my Mom's birthday present.  She likes music you can't hear on today's radio stations so I got her hopefully a "simple" Sony radio/CD player.  Now that I am in the "technology" flow....
I have asked the wetcanvas group how they used computers to work with their art - preplanning, composition, grayscale, during and after photo prep.  Got some interesting answers about how some folks edit their photos to get stronger, truer, reading images for the web, so I am committed to try to learn GIMP (free program similar to Photoshop and probably every bit as complicated) yes that noise you just heard was all the geeks in the world sighing as they anticipate what a disaster this will be.  So we'll take this in baby steps....
Worked a bit more on my tiger and then took my best photo shot and put it to GIMP and followed the man's suggestions about brightness, contrast and sharpness (only problem is it puts it in a format that I can't find in my Windows picture program) so kind of went into Picasa and cropped and edited there until I can read further and figure it out (that may be never).  Know this was the tinest easy step but think it definitely makes a stronger picture that is closer to what it actually looks like on my board.  So will post and see what you guys think, does it makes a difference to do this step or just continue to use as it comes from the camera.
Hope everyone has a good week and thanks for stopping by.


I think it does make a huge difference.Crisper and the color is brighter.I struggle with photograghing my work as well.Your painting is looking wonderful!!!
Have a great week.
Alexander said…
your tiger is getting very handsome and incredible your craftmanship wirh the pastels. tried it yesterday but was not so convinced of myself. for the technology part: one yes you have to manipulate the photos you paint from, make the contrast stronger, since i believe in drawing you have to exagerate. for a free progamm i would recommend an app by google chrome, which you can find for free there. name is "pixlr editor"
Rita Vaselli said…
Dear Nelvia, when working with a photo as the subject .... as artists,we asking very much !!!
We ask three dimensions when the photo has only two ... then we start to work with photo editing programs... sometimes ... I lose myself to do processing of graphics instead of painting!Congratulations on the progress of your tiger!
renate said…
Hello Nelvia:) Unfortunately I can not help you with photo editing because I've never done that. I like your work incredible beautiful. I just said against Wilbert that you just can see the hairs on the nose are short. Not to believe. You're a super artist! Big hug xx
Nelvia said…
Thanks C nice to have confirmation that those few extra steps/minutes pays off. Am going to try to figure out how to use GIMP. Thanks for the pics, will shoot you an email later
Nelvia said…
Hey you came up for air, thanks for checking it out. Have used Pixar and might need to look at it closer and compare what it can do to GIMP. Would like to figure out how to combine pictures into a new one guess that is layers, just what I need to get frustrated
Nelvia said…
That is what I want to guard against, just have so much time but want to be sure I spend it on something that gives a return. Know you figured out how to do the watermark for your images. I think that is a good idea. Thanks for taking time to stop by when I know you have so much going on. She is a beauty just like her Grandmom
Nelvia said…
Hey there Renate, maybe I will get your curiosity up and you can learn with me (you are more tech savvy than me) no one is more surprised than me. On how this is coming out

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