Pink Done?? Need some Name Ideas

Well I have Pink to the stage now that he is going to sit on the easel for a bit while I decide whether or not to add more color in the feathers on the body.  The reference photo is even lighter than what I am reflecting here, and thi shot doesn't show the colors as dark as they are in real life.  I do have some other reference photos where the flamingos have much more dramatic coloration on the neck and some of the body feathers.  Will study those and determine whether I can and want to add that much color in. 
If anyone has some name suggestions please comment as I am not sure that "Pink" does it.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you are having a great week.


hmuxo said…
She's beautifully finished!!! The close up of the feathers is amazing and the dark background is wonderful bringing her pop....Nice work, Nelvia! I'm so bad with names but I will be thinking of
Nelvia said…
I still am undecided as to working more on this, I think it is done and to add mre might be overkill. If the body feathers show good enough it might be enough. Thanks for looking Hilda. I know I do some titles easily but others just make me wonder. Maybe someone will come up with something clever.
Helen said…
love, Love, LOVE this one!!
I also love choosing the just-right titles for paintings. Since I'm reading this two years late... I guess I'm too late to help out...

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