Blue MOOn

                                                      Blue MOON (aka Blue Cheese)
Got to thinking about all those cows out there that are so popular and thought for Christmas I would try to put together a series, going to call it "Domestic Divas", and maybe set up a shop on DailyPaintworks to see if I can sell some things.  Would like to get rid of some picture inventory and also make some money that might pay for some of the supplies that I use and want to keep trying.

So here is the first in my series that will introduce you to the girls, with personality, that make up the various cheeses that we all love.  This one happens to be in watercolor, not sure that they all will be.  Ok, so my right brain might be going a bit outside the nine dots, but ....    Part of the fun thing is I can let my imagination go so each of the girls will have a biography that will come with the picture and hoping that it will help to explain what makes these ladies so darn special.

The first is Blue MOOn, aka Blue Cheese.  This "black and blue beauty" is full bodied, pungent, er I mean fragrant, and tangy.  Stay back from her or you will feel her flavor kicks.  Yes, she is aristocratic, as seen in her blue veins, and can trace her ancestry back to the Queen's royal herd.  Her unique personality is an acquired taste for the rest of the herd.

Ok, clearly I am going to have way too much fun with this, so keep watching for the next introduction to one of the Domestic Divas.


Unknown said…
Great piece Nelvia....looking forward to all your other "cheeses". 💜
hmuxo said…
Very nice piece Nelvia! The fur looks wonderful when I zoomed on it!
Nelvia said…
Not a lot of reaction to my cheeses, guess I will,have to get a bit crazier on the next one. Thanks so much for the support.
Nelvia said…
Hi Hilda, didn't start out with the fur but ended up doing it, just can't break with the realism and details. Am relived she turns out as I wasn't sure there for a while.
You crazy girl! Domestic Divas as cows? what a strange concept. This piece is great- the texture and the color are wonderful.
Nelvia said…
Letting g,has been combo a long time, to many years dealing with left brain issues and decisions. So crazy, maybe. Glad you like it Val. More lovelies to come
Alexander said…
I am speechless. Wow. Great work. Really you should start exhibitions.
Jane said…
Holy cow Nelvia, this is fabulous ! I agree with Alexander, you really should start exposing !
Love the idea and cow looks amazing.
I can't wait to see more of these,
Nelvia said…
Am getting my courage up to try an online store. Thanks so much for your support.
Nelvia said…
Hi Jane, pun intended. Have my sown cond cow working now. Thanks so much for your encouragement.
Nelvia said…
Hi C, glad you think the ide has some merit, will see how it goes. I am working on Miss Swiss now and she will be a bit further out there.

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