Works In Process

            HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!

Ok this probably confirms it, I have the attention span of a nat.  I have really had trouble since I came back from a short break getting myself involved into more than one picture.  So am finally glad to see that I can get interested in several, common threads but different looks entirely.
Since I have been trying to emulate Vermeer's Girl With a Red Hat and am finding it a bit tedious I decided to take my explorations of verdicchio a bit further.  As you can see I am working on a couple of other reference photos from one of my favorite PMP photographers, the Russian, Vyacheslav.  One is a peeled orange in shadow and the other is his son as an angel.  Just so you can see where I am trying to go I have the original reference photos below.
Verdicchio is a form of dead layer/color underpainting.  It is a form of painting in limited colors and going from dark to light and warm to cold.  So I am trying out some different colors to do that - with the orange it is primarily burnt sienna and paynes gray.  For the angel I am using burnt sienna, chromium oxide green, white and paynes gray.
Next phases for each of these is to continue to add glazes and begin to refine the painting.
As you can see now that I have some more of the background in I felt more comfortable applying lighter paint in the shadow tones of the face.   I see I am going to have to tone down the highlights in the eyes, but think otherwise I am pretty much finished with the face.  Still have to do some more straggles of hair on our left side.  Then I will finish putting in the background and then start on the coat or robe, not sure what it really is as those colors will throw some reflected color into the face as well.  Then I will get to do the icing on the cake - the pops of red color in the hat.  Once I do that color I will probably have to go in and adjust the tones of the face again.  But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  


hmuxo said…
Awesome work Nelvia!!!!! The baby is coming out beautifully!!! A tough one but you have an amazing reference photo so take your time....I can't wait to see your next post.
WOW what a challenge you have given yourself! I look forward to seeing the progress on all three pieces - good luck!
Unknown said…
Again you have me in awe.

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