30 in 30 Challenge starts in January

Leslie Saeta does this in January and September - please consider joining this year as it will definitely pay dividends no matter how much you paint or how many paintings you get competed.  If you have time as a constraint, just do a little drawing, doodle or zendoodle daily and you will still come away better for the time spent.  

Leslie writes:  I am hosting another Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days Challenge and I wanted to personally invite you to join me! The Challenge takes place in January so it is time to sign up and get prepared!

Please feel free to go to the 30 Paintings in 30 Days website at https://www.saetastudio.com/30-in-30.html for instructions as to what you need to do to participate in the Challenge. The website clearly explains that you need to photograph your painting starting on January 1 and each day afterward. Then upload your photo (with a link to your blog or website) on the 30 in 30 blog at https://www.saetastudio.com/30-in-30-blog.(Both of these links can be found on my website at https://www.saetastudio.com.)

The 30 Paintings in 30 Days website has links to helpful suggestions and advice if you have trouble. Please be sure and read the instructions as I think most of your questions are already answered.

Don’t forget that the goal of the challenge is to get us all to paint more. And the only way this works is if you have fun! Don’t worry if you miss a day and don’t freak out if you get behind. If you have time feel free to "paint ahead”.  It is 100% ok to paint two paintings in one day! Just relax and have fun!

Yes, I am crazy enough that I am going to do it again with a theme to do an animal a day - not big, mind you, but something that has fur, feathers, or scales so I can get some type of technique that I like, I hope.


I think we are all crazy to do these challenges - maybe that is why we are artists - lol.

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