Eating Crow Watercolor portrait st

As usual, you guys are pretty kind to me.    As I went on my small watercolor tirade the other day, no one told me that I really didn't know what the heck I was doing, that might have been the problem!!!  Thanks so much for not ripping me down.

I have to tell you that I am so glad I am taking this class.   We are on week 7 and I have, in my mind, paid for the course.  I have already learned a lot of things, and now I realize, with watercolor, you got to know something.   Seems that so much comes down to what kind of paper, how you hold/use the brush, the colors used, what order color is applied, etc, etc.  It truly is its own parallel universe to any other kind of media.   I have also learned that you have to approach watercolor in a totally different manner than you do either oil or acrylics - and let alone disregard anything you knew from colored pencils and pastels.

So here is my first watercolor lesson.   Yes, the thing about watercolor is that it still takes a heck of a long time.   But I am learning a bit better how to use the brushes so that you can apply color and blend at the same time.  I did, or course have to do something the teacher didn't and that was use acrylic metallic gold in the neck area, eyes and flower.   Then had to find a bit of glitter to add to the flowers and eyes just to pep it up a bit.  

Thanks much for stopping by and taking a look.


Helen said…
She's very beautiful. You are a brave artist. Watercolor seems so unforgiving and scary! I don't even want to give it a try!
carol edan said…
Love her eyes! Beautiful work!
You have done some great blending here Nelvia! Super skin tones and shading make her face perfect. I like the mixes of colour in the hat too. Great job!
Sheila said…
Learn the rules, so you can break them. I read that somewhere. Honestly Nelvia, I don't think about the rules that much while I paint. Maybe that is MY problem, LOL. Learn what can be done, and then decide how you would like to do it. I think the same is true of any media. Each has it's own difficulties and eases. Is that a word? Probably using that wrong too, LOL.
She is lovely, and I was going to ask about the gold. What type of paint it is. You know our friend Dotty sometimes uses puffy fabric paint on her pieces. Always fab! And I don't think your instructor would have any problems with your additions. Lovely work Friend!!
Joan Tavolott said…
There is something riveting about this one. Well done! Yes, watercolor is very different from other media since you work from light to dark. It is a challenge. I like your addition of the metallic gold and glitter. There is an iridescent medium you can use with watercolors. I have some somewhere but heaven knows where. lol

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